The quietest overall leaf blower is the Ryobi RY40440 which operates at 59 decibel and the Ryobi P2108A Leaf Blower which operates at 65 decibels.
A quietest gas-powered blower is the Echo Leaf Blower, which generates only 65 decibels. This blower is also free of the high-pitched whine that most leaf blowers produce.
Tips For Buying A Quiet Leaf Blower
Most leaf blower produce between 70-90 decibels of noise, which is above comfort levels. Also, blowers often have a high-pitch whine which is what bothers most people.
Below is a guide to outdoor noise — 65 decibels is the suggested maximum level for leaf blowers:

More Details on Echo Leaf Blowers

Echo is a company that specializes in developing quieter leaf blowers. According to the Echo, the biggest problem with most leaf blowers is the high pitch whining sound that they produce.
It’s not so much the loudness of the sound, but the whine that irritates people. Their goal was eliminate the high pitch whine by adjusting the fan design of their blowers. They baffled the muffler and made many other adjustments to reduce rattling. This video demonstrates the noise level differences of the ECHO blowers:
You can see a more in-depth presentation here.
When you purchase a leaf blower, you can check the ANSI noise rating which will be printed on the box in comes in. If the blower doesn’t have an ANSI rating you can assume it will be quite loud.
The Echo Leaf Blower is available from Amazon for about $170.
Stihl BGA makes two blowers that are 57 and 58 decibels, so this is not the quietest leaf blower out there.
The product is good, but 20 minutes lasting battery is not enough.
Could you forward the product info and/or video to me? Id like to share with my condo property mgr. We have the traditional leaf blowers now.
It looks go
Pingback: What is The Best Gas Leaf Blower For The Money: The Definitive Guide
The shrill sound of a leaf blower is nerve racking. Terrible. What can you do to create a longer lasting battery. This is just not enough battery time.
We live on a golf course. The consent noise and fumes from the HOA staff and the golf course maintenance group is a concern by the over 500 homes in the HOA . Are there blowers designed for golf course / large HOA areas. Batteries would be necessary as they folk work an 8 hour shift and based on your comment they would need an approximate 20 batteries??? Or are there units with longer lasting batteries. Please give me your recommendations. Tim Marinec
The company mentioned in the article specializes in such things. You could contact them with these questions. Good luck — I can’t stand noisy leaf blowers.